Maximizing Flow Chemistry Success: Leveraging Internal and External Stakeholder Synergies

Time: 10:00 am
day: Pre-Conference Day


This workshop centers on enhancing flow chemistry projects by effectively managing internal and external relationships. Participants will learn strategic approaches to maximize benefits from stakeholder engagement and collaboration, ensuring the success and scalability of flow chemistry initiatives.

Realizing strategic partnerships:

  • Strategic alignment of R&D-efforts from the lab phase to later phases. The importance of track record and how to build credibility toward decision-makers
  • Technical complentarity: how to set up a team that benefits from the strength of all of its members and how to assign appropriate roles and responsibilities
  • Selecting the right Personalities: In interdisciplinary and collaborative research tolerance to ambiguity is of great importance for the team members involved. Bringing together the right individuals and seting up of the team to drive seamless f low chemistry integration and operational efficiency

Internal Alignment, Organizational and Communication Mastery:

Holistic and interdisciplinary approaches to address your organization’s needs and stakeholder management for setting up and managing larger R&D efforts: Differentiate stakeholders relevant to your project (including RASIC), move through the different stages of a project or collaboration, and prepare for the next bigger stage. Master communication strategies to ensure robust intra-departmental collaboration and project clarity

External Partnerships to Facilitate Translation and deployment

Develop effective partnerships with external partners to develop and access cuttingedge technology and specialized expertise, enhancing your project’s technological capabilities. Understand the characteristics of industry-academic partnerships, publically funded partnerships in the triple helix (managing funding and industry consortia), industry-CDMO partnerships, and industry-industry partnerships.

Building Robust Capabilities

  • Building an effective culture across organizational boudaries to deliver on project goals: Implement an effective set of roles and responsibilities and an efficient communication structure.
  • Cross-fertilization of technological competence: Benefit from your partners’ skills for adopting and optimizing flow chemistry and utilize insights from CDMOs’ infrastructure to de-risk and facilitate the adoption of scalable and advanced flow chemistry solutions.
